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Near Future Grammar - Lesson 1/1
Lesson 1
The near future tense is probably the easiest you'll come across (other than the present.) It indicates what you'll be doing in the next few days or weeks, hence why it's called the 'near future'. Clever, right?
To form the near future tense, just use this simple formula:
Subject + Conjugation of aller + Verb
So, this means you say the subject first (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles), conjugate aller to fit the subject, and say the verb to finish off. And there you have it! Near future in the bag.
'Je vais faire mes devoirs demain'='I'm going to do my homework tomorrow'
'Il va jouer au foot avec moi la semaine prochaine'='He's going to play football with me next week'
'Nous allons aller en France le lundi'='We're going to go to France on Monday'
Here are some cool phrases that go hand in hand with the near future tense:
Dans une heure=In an hour
Dans deux heures environ=In a couple of hours
Plus tard=Later
Après-demain=The day after tomorrow
La semaine prochaine=Next week
Le lundi/mardi/mercredi/jeudi/vendredi/samedi/dimanche=On Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday
Le week-end/le weekend=On the weekend
Le mois prochain=Next month
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