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True Future Grammar - Lesson 1/1
Lesson 1
The true future tense is used to say what you 'will' do, so it is used to talk about things which are quite far away in the future.
To form the true future tense, just use this simple formula:
Subject + verb with ending
However, there are some irregulars. Once you know them well, it'll be much easier to speak with ease.
You might be wondering what the endings are. Well, you're in luck!
So, this means you say the subject first (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles), and then the verb with the ending attached (like 'je regarderai' or 'tu mangeras'.) With -er and -ir verbs, you can just add the ending, but with -re verbs, you take off the 'e' and add the ending. Simples!
'À l'avenir, je ne devrai plus faire mes devoirs'='In the future, I'll no longer have to do my homework
'Tu me manqueras'='I'll miss you'
'Ils n'y iront plus'='They'll never go there again'
Here are some cool phrases that go hand in hand with the true future tense:
À l'avenir=In the future
L'année prochaine=Next year
Dans deux/trois années=In two/three years
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